Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation Counseling
Medical Terminology


Word roots can be modified by prefixes that denote:


Position in time or space

o                                Pre- means before or in front of

§                                 prenatal:  before birth

o                                Peri- means around or about

§                                 perinatal:  around the time of the birth

§                                 perithoratic:  around the thorax

o                                Post- means behind, after, or following

§                                 postnatal:  following birth

§                                 posterior:  toward the back

o                                Ab- means way from

§                                 abnormal:  away from normal

§                                 abduction:  drawing away from the mid-line of the body by the arm or leg

o                                Circum- means around

§                                 circumaticular:  around a joint


Quantitative information

o                                A- or An- means without

§                                 anorexia:  without appetite

§                                 anoxia: without enough oxygen

o                                Hemi- means half

§                                 hemiplegia:  paralysis of one lateral half of the body

o                                Diplo- means double

§                                 diploplia:  double vision

o                                Quad- means four

§                                 quadriplegia:  paralysis of all four extremities


Qualitative information

o                                Mal- means bad or ill

§                                 malfunction:  defective functioning

§                                 malocclusion:  faulty positioning of the upper or lower teeth in relation to the other

o                                Eu- means good or healthy

§                                 euphoria:  sense of well-being or condition of good health

§                                 euthanasia:  easy or painless death


Sameness and Difference

o                                Hetero- means different

§                                 heterogeneous:  differing in kinds or nature

§                                 heterosexual:  sexual orientation directed to the opposite sex

o                                Homo- means same

§                                 homogeneous:  of the same kind

§                                 homosexual:  sexual orientation directed to the same sex


Physical attributes (size, shape, color)

o                                Micro- means small

§                                 microcephalia:  abnormal smallness of the head

§                                 micromelia:  abnormal smallness or shortness of the extremities

o                                Brachy- means short

§                                 brachycephalia:  having a short head

§                                 brachydactylia:  having abnormally short fingers and toes

o                                Oxy- means pointed or sharp

§                                 oxycephaly:  having a high and pointed head

o                                Albo- means white

§                                 albinism:  absence of pigmentation


Suffixes and significant word endings characteristically function in compound words to:


Form adjectives

o                                -al means pertaining to

§                                 peritoneal:  pertaining to the peritoneum

§                                 arterial:  pertaining to an artery

o                                -ible or -able means ability

§                                 digestible:  capable of being digested

§                                 operable:  subject to being operated


Express diminutive size

o                                A number of suffixes serve this purpose, including -cule, -icle, -ium, -ole, -ule, and variations

§                                 diverticulum:  a small outpocketing from a hollow organ

§                                 arteriole:  a small artery

§                                 granule:  a small grain


Indicate a surgical procedure

o                                -ectomy means removal of an organ or part

§                                 appendectomy:  removal of the appendix

o                                -lysis means loosening, usually of adhesions

§                                 cardiolysis:  freeing of the heart of pericardial adhesions

o                                -ostomy means an operation in which an artificial opening is formed between two hollow organs or between one or more such viscera and the abdominal wall for discharge of intestinal content or urine

§                                 colostomy:  the surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the exterior of the body

o                                -pexy means fixation

§                                 nephropexy:  the surgical attachment of a floating kidney

o                                -plasty means plastic surgery

§                                 blepharoplasty:  plastic surgery of the eyelids

o                                -rrhaphy means suture or operative repair

§                                 tenorrhaphy:  the suturing of a tendon

o                                -scopy means viewing or examining, usually with an instrument

§                                 endoscopy:  visual inspection of any body cavity by means of an endoscope

o                                -tomy means cutting or incision

§                                 laparotomy:  the surgical opening of the abdomen

o                                -tripsy means the intentional surgical crushing of a structure

§                                 lithotripsy:  the disintegration of a kidney stone by a high-energy shockwave


Express conditions or changes related to pathological processes

o                                -mania means excessive excitement or obsessive preoccupation

§                                 pyromania:  an irrational compulsion to set fires

o                                -sis means an action, process, or condition

§                                 silicosis:  a fibrotic disorder of the lungs following inhalation of dust containing silicon dioxide

§                                 thoracentesis:  surgical puncture of the chest wall for removal of fluid

o                                -itis means inflammation

§                                 appendicitis:  an inflammation of the appendix

Basic Terms

Besides these loosely formulated classes of prefixes and suffixes, there are a number of
miscellaneous prefixes, roots, and suffixes that will aid in the understanding of medical
terminology.  The most significant are included in the vocabulary that follows.


·  -algia means pain (e.g., neuralgia)

·  angio- means blood vessel (e.g., angiogram)

·  ante- means before (e.g., antecubital)

·  arth- means joint (e.g., arthroscopy)

·  blephar- means eyelid (e.g., blepharospasm)

·  cardi- means heart (e.g., electrocardiogram)

·  -cele means either a swelling or a hernia (e.g., varicocele, rectocele)

·  cerebro- means cerebrum (e.g., cerebral)

·  chole- means gall or bile (e.g., cholecystectomy)

·  chondr- means cartilage (e.g., chondrocostal)

·  contra- means opposed to (e.g., contraception)

·  cost- means rib (e.g., intercostal)

·  cysto- means bladder (e.g., cystitis)

·  -desis means fusion (e.g., arthrodesis)

·  derm- means skin (e.g., dermatology)

·  dys- means difficult or abnormal (e.g., dyspnea)

·  ect- means outside (e.g., ectomorph)

·  -ectomy means removal (e.g., splenectomy)

·  -emia means condition of the blood (e.g., polycythemia)

·  enceph- means brain (e.g., encephalitis)

·  end- means within (e.g., endocrine)

·  enter- means intestine (e.g., enterostomy)

·  epi- means upon or above (e.g., epithelium)

·  -genic means giving rise to (e.g., psychogenic)

·  glyco- means sugar (e.g., glycosuria)

·  hemi- means half (e.g., hemiplegia)

·  hepat- means liver (e.g., hepatitis)

·  hyper- means in excess (e.g., hypertension)

·  hyster- means uterus (e.g., hysterectomy)

·  -iosis means a pathological condition (e.g., amebiosis)

·  -itis means inflammation (e.g., tonsillitis)

·  luek- means white (e.g., leukocyte)

·  lip- means fat (e.g., hyperlipemia)

·  -lith means stone (e.g., nephrolithiasis)

·  -megaly means a state of largeness (e.g., hepatomegaly)

·  myel- means either bone marrow or spinal cord (e.g., myelocyte)

·  myo- means muscle (e.g., myocardium)

·  neph- means kidney (e.g., nephrosis)

·  -oid means resembling (e.g., thyroid)

·  -oma means tumor or swelling (e.g., carcinoma)

·  -oscopy means visual examination (e.g., laparoscopy)

·  -osis means disease process or condition (e.g., necrosis)

·  osteo- means bone (e.g., osteoarthritis)

·  -ostomy means creation of an artificial opening in an organ (e.g., tracheostomy)

·  -otomy means incision (e.g., craniotomy)

·  para- means near, alongside, beyond, or outside (e.g., paravertebral)

·  -pathy means disease of (e.g., cardiomyopathy)

·  -penia means lack of (e.g., leukopenia)

·  -plasty means reparative or reconstructive surgery (e.g., rhinoplasty)

·  pneumo- means air (e.g., pneumothorax)

·  pre- means before (e.g., precancerous)

·  pro- means in front of or before (e.g., prognathism)

·  proct- means rectum or anus (e.g., proctology)

·  -ptosis means lowering of an organ or part (e.g., nephroptosis)

·  pyel- means pelvis (e.g., pyelogram)

·  pyo- means pus (e.g., pyorrhea)

·  spondyl- means vertebra (e.g., spondylolysis)

·  sub- means under (e.g., submandibular)

·  super- means above or excessive (e.g., supersensitivity)

·  supra- means above (e.g., supraventricular)

·  syn- means together (e.g., synarthrosis)

·  trans- means across (e.g., transurethral)

·  tri- means three (e.g., triceps)


The landmark terms designate relative position and direction.  They are described in relation
to a person who is standing in the erect position looking forward with arms to the side of the
body and hands with palms forward.  The most commonly used are the following:


  • lateral - to the side (used in contradistinction to medial)
  • medial - to the center
  • superior - above (used in contradistinction to inferior)
  • inferior - below
  • anterior - before or in front (used in contradistinction to posterior)
  • posterior - behind or in back
  • dorsal - pertaining to the back (used in contradistinction to ventral)
  • ventral - pertaining to the front or abdominal surface
  • palmar - pertaining to the palm of the hand
  • plantar - pertaining to the sole of the foot

Body Areas

Specific sites of illness or injury are usually designated by terms derived from the adjacent
anatomic structure.  Among the commonly used terms to indicate body areas are the following:


  • abdominal - pertaining to the stomach and intestinal area
  • carpal - pertaining to the wrist
  • cervical - pertaining to the seven vertebrae in the neck
  • costal - pertaining to the ribs
  • cranial - pertaining to the skull
  • femoral - pertaining to the thigh
  • frontal - pertaining to the forehead
  • lumbar - pertaining to the five vertebrae in the lower portion of the back
  • pelvic - pertaining to the pelvic girdle
  • renal - pertaining to the kidney area
  • sacral - pertaining to the four vertebrae in the lowest portion of the back
  • sternal - pertaining to the sternum or breastbone
  • thoracic - pertaining to the twelve vertebrae in the upper portion of the back

Medical Abbreviations

Understanding verbal and written communication with physicians involves knowledge of the
terms used and a familiarity with the abbreviations in widespread use within the profession.
Abbreviations denote instructions that are included in prescriptions for medications, some
signify symptoms as reported by patients, and some refer to anatomic parts or body systems.
A few examples are the following:


  • a.c. - before meals
  • b.i.d. - twice daily
  • B.P. - blood pressure
  • C-1, C-2, C-3 - cervical vertebrae by number
  • CBC - complete blood count
  • C.C. - chief complaint
  • C.N. - cranial nerve
  • C.N.S. - central nervous system
  • CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • CT - computed tomography
  • CVA - cerebrovascular accident
  • dB - decibel
  • DX - diagnosis
  • ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • F.H. - family history
  • FX - fracture
  • GI - gastrointestinal
  • Hg - hemoglobin
  • GU - genitourinary
  • HBV - hepatitis B virus
  • HDL - high density lipoprotein
  • Hg - mercury
  • h.s. - at bedtime
  • H & P - history and physical examination
  • HX - history
  • L-1, L-2, L-3 - lumbar vertebrae by number
  • L.L.Q. - left lower quadrant
  • L.M.P. - last menstrual period
  • L.U.Q. - left upper quadrant
  • MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
  • OA - osteoarthritis
  • O.D. - right eye
  • O.S. - left eye
  • p.c. - after meals
  • P.H. - past history
  • P.I. - present illness
  • p.r.n. - as needed
  • q.i.d. - four times daily
  • RA - rheumatoid arthritis
  • R.B.C. - red blood count
  • R.L.Q. - right lower quadrant
  • R/O - rule out
  • R.U.Q. - right upper quadrant
  • RX (or TX) - treatment
  • S-1, S-2, S-3 - sacral vertebrae by number
  • SOAP - subjective findings, objective findings, assessment, plan
  • T-1, T-2, T-3 - thoracic vertebrae by number
  • t.i.d. - three times daily
  • W.B.C. - white blood count

All of this information is from:

Felton, J. S. (2002). Medical terminology. In M. G. Brodwin, F. Tellez, & S. K. Brodwin (Eds.), Medical, psychological and vocational aspects of disability (2nd ed.) (pp. 15-26). Athens, GA: Elliot & Fitzpatrick.